'While the type and scale of disasters are many and varied there is a constant inevitability, both within Australia and globally, that not everyone will be affected in the same way.
'Health, wellbeing, finances, connection to community, experience, knowledge and ability to access support all influence how people prepare and recover. Many people do not have the resources to prepare and build resilience, and are unable to afford the cost of recovery.'
Judy Slatyer
Australian Red Cross

Disability inclusion
Learning from the deaf community
News & Views
- Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in Australia download268.3 KBview
- Get Ready: A model for deaf community leadership and preparedness download1.7 MBview
- Disaster recovery: are we doomed to repeat the same mistakes? download78.4 KBview
- Evolution of a community resilience strategic plan download212.3 KBview
- Lessons learnt from innovation: Red Cross volunteers download77.6 KBview
- Australian input into international security standards download412.9 KBview
- Making crowded places safe and healthy download85.6 KBview
- Health surge: thunderstorm asthma download85.3 KBview
- The review of the National Principles for Disaster Recovery download98.3 KBview
- How overseas fire agencies recruit for diversity download630.2 KBview
- Jurisdictional collaboration on emergency management capability development download219.1 KBview
- Identity management in disaster response environments: a child exploitation mitigation perspective download396 KBview
- Cumulative climate change influences and hazards affecting the Sunshine Coast download676.2 KBview
- Flood levee influences on community preparedness: a paradox? download197.2 KBview
- Evidence to support incident management team capability download146.4 KBview
- Victoria’s Gender and Disaster Taskforce: a retrospective analysis download179.3 KBview
- Experiences of individuals with physical disabilities in natural disasters: an integrative review download153.8 KBview
- A formative evaluation of the Triple Zero Kids’ Challenge Teacher’s Guide download824.9 KBview