EM Online: Australian Government Organisational Resilience website





Organisational resilience is critical for business to be able to respond to short-term shocks such as natural disasters or significant changes in market dynamics, and to take advantage of long-term trends and challenges.

In particular, organisational resilience helps critical infrastructure organisations better manage unforeseen or unexpected risk and threats to the continuity of essential services.

The Australian Government Organisational Resilience website is an important source of information for Australian businesses and individuals. It also features the Organisational Resilience HealthCheck – a free tool to help respondents identify their organisation’s resilience potential.

Whatever position you hold in your organisation, the HealthCheck can assist you and your team develop a shared understanding of your organisation’s progress towards resilience and identify possible treatment actions.

For more information, visit www.organisationalresilience.gov.au

A screenshot of the organisational resilience website.


A screenshot of the organisational resilience website’s ‘leadership and culture attribute’ page.

The HealthCheck tool helps users rate their organisation according to a set of low and high level descriptors for 13 resilience indicators. These indicators are grouped under three overarching resilience attributes that build business-as-usual effectiveness as well as robust and agile response and recovery capability.