21 August 2023 | Brisbane, Queensland

National Indigenous Disaster Resilience Summit Proceedings

Image: Shannon Ruska opening the Summit with a smoking ceremony.

Graphic Harvest

The following Graphic Harvests were live illustrated by Oumoula Mackenzie and Allirra Moore at the National Indigenous Disaster Resilience Summit, capturing key themes and highlights from the discussions had.

The following graphics were created by Oumoula Mackenzie. Click each image to open as a PDF in a new tab.

The following graphics were created by Allirra Moore. Click each image to open as a PDF in a new tab.

Fire to Flourish is dedicated to fostering a community-led approach, wherein local knowledge and lived experiences are integral to the design of recovery projects. Embracing Indigenous knowledge and practices, a rich local resource often overlooked in decision-making hierarchies, is key to this commitment. In doing so, Fire to Flourish not only seek to enhance outcomes for Indigenous communities but also to confront historical and present-day injustices that contribute to the enduring cycle of disadvantage.

Australia is already grappling with a surge in the frequency and intensity of disasters, a trend expected to continue with the unfolding impacts of climate change. Indigenous peoples have a unique experience of disaster, often facing disproportionate impacts. Currently, there are limited resources to guide those working with Indigenous communities before, during and after disasters.

The National Indigenous Disaster Resilience (NIDR) Project seeks to listen to, and learn from, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities' experiences of disaster. Specifically, to understand the unique ways disasters affect Indigenous communities and to identify the necessary changes to more effectively support Indigenous communities to prepare for, and respond to, disasters.

The NIDR Project is developing an information, knowledge and resource base to provide practical support to Indigenous communities navigating the complexities of disaster, and to inform improvements in policy and practice.

Please direct enquires about the NIDR Project to bhiamie.williamson@monash.edu or emma.mcnicol1@monash.edu.