Hobart, Tasmania, September 1974

Mount St Canice explosion, 1974

Quick Statistics

8 Fatalities
17 Injured

On 5 September 1974 an explosion occurred in the boiler room of the Mount St Canice laundry adjacent to the convent of The Good Shepherd, St Canice Avenue, Sandy Bay, Hobart. The new boiler was being installed when it exploded under test.

A second boiler was operating at the time and was destroyed by the explosion. The building was extensively damaged. Seven people were killed and one died later in hospital. Seventeen people were injured, several seriously.



ABC Archives and Library Services, 1974, website viewed 22 November 2011
Civil Defence and Emergency Services, Report on Operations, Mount St Canice Explosion Disaster 5-6 September 1974, pp 1 - 4
State Emergency Service, Tasmanian Emergency Management Plan Issue 6, Significant emergencies in Tasmania, p 18, website viewed 22 November 2011