Queensland & New South Wales, May 1996

Flood - Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales

Quick Statistics

5 Fatalities
$31 million Insurance Costs

In the first week of May widespread flooding and heavy rainfall was reported in south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales. An East Coast Low commenced at the end of April and caused heavy seas, strong winds and heavy rainfall. A tidal surge created by the low pressure system caused above average tidal conditions and storm force winds of up to 65 knots were recorded at Moreton Island. Water catchment areas recorded up to 1000 mm, with the worst affected areas Brisbane and the Darling Downs region. Furthermore the extreme weather conditions also affected the Lockyer creek, Bremer and Logan rivers.

Both Queensland and New South Wales reported extensive damage to farming areas, including vegetable and cotton crops.

There were five deaths recorded.

The Insurance Council of Australia estimated the 1996 damage at $31m with, the 2007 estimated repeated cost of $87m.

Information Sources

Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland flood summary 1990 - 1999, website viewed 2 May 2011
Bureau of Meteorology, Severe weather and flooding: south-east Queensland, May 1996, website viewed 2 May 2011
Insurance Council of Australia, Historical disaster statistics, March 2012, website viewed 25 May 2012
'Modeling of May 1996 East Coast Low Event in South-East Queensland,’ Golshani, A, Splinter, K, Thurston W, Tomlinson, R, Griffith Centre for Coastal Management, Queensland Coastal Conference 2011 conference paper, p. 1, website viewed 3 February 2015