Tōhoku, Japan 2011

Earthquake - Japan

Quick Statistics

15889 Fatalities
6152 Injured

On Friday 11 March 2011, an earthquake measuring 9 on the Richter Scale occurred off the north-east coast of Japan, triggering a ten-metre tsunami. A nuclear emergency was declared following explosions at various nuclear plants in the Fukushima area. Abnormally high levels of radioactive substances were later detected in seawater 100 metres from the plant. Correct on February 2014, the disaster caused 15 889 fatalities. Another 6 152 were injured, and 2 601 missing. Evacuations totalled 267 000.

Due to radiation concerns, Japan halted some food shipments including the suspension of milk and certain vegetables from regions around the plant, following the identification of abnormal radiation levels in the products.

The Australian Government assisted in recovery by providing $10 million to Red Cross Japan and also the Pacific Disaster Appeal. A transport aircraft were also deployed along with search and rescue teams to assist with the relief and recovery. There were 1964 registered Australians in Japan at the time of the earthquake, with 229 Australians registered in the affected areas.

The event caused extensive damage, with the greatest impact in Sendai city, and the Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures. The World Bank estimated the disaster could cost the world's third-biggest economy up to $235 billion.

Notable aftershocks:

  • 28 March 2011 –  At 7.24 am local time, aftershocks were identified measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale with the epicentre at a depth of 17 kilometres.
  • 7 April 2011 – Three people were killed by a tremor measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale, 25 miles deep in north-east Japan. Two power plants were knocked offline, cutting power for four million people.
  • 11 April 2011 – Workers evacuated the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant following a tremor in the Fukushima prefecture that measured 7.1 on the Richter scale, with the epicentre depth of ten kilometres. The event triggered a brief tsunami warning.

Information Sources

ABC Internal News, ‘Japan Earthquake: 3 Killed in 7.1 Aftershock – 8 April 2011,’ website viewed 11 April 2011
Attorney-General for Australia the Hon Robert McClelland MP, ‘ABC NewsRadio breakfast with Glen Bartholomew,' 14 March 2011, transcript viewed online 21 March 2011
Attorney-General for Australia the Hon Robert McClelland MP, ’Australian urban search and rescue team to return home 19 March 2011,’ (media release), website viewed 21 March 2011
The Australian, ‘Japan nuclear plant crippled by 14-metre wave,' 22 March 2011, website viewed 22 March 2011
The Australian, ‘Radiation affects water, food as reactor repairs stall,’ 22 March 2011, website viewed 22 March 2011 
BBC News Asia-Pacific,
 ‘Japan: Powerful earthquake hits north-east – 11 April 2011,’ website viewed 12 April 2011
Fairclough, Gordon and Wakabayashi, Daisuke, "Fateful Choice on a Day of Disaster," 9 April 2011, website viewed 11 April 2011
The Hon Kevin Rudd MP – Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, ‘Diplomatic appointment: Ambassador for Japan’, website viewed 11 April 2011
The Hon Kevin Rudd MP, ‘Interview on Meet the Press Transcript, E&OE, proof only Subjects: Libya, Yemen and Bahrain; Japan earthquake; nuclear energy 20 March 2011’, website viewed 21 March 2011
Matsuoka, Yuki, 'Today Japan Remembers,' United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, 11 March 2014, website viewed 27 May 2014
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, 'Great East Japan Earthquake,' website viewed 30 June 2011
The Sydney Morning Herald
, 'Fresh Earthquake rocks Japan,’ 28 March 2011, website viewed 11 April 2011
World Vision Australia, ‘Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011,’ website viewed 8 April 2011