Western Australia, March, 1912

Balla Balla cyclone, 1912

Quick Statistics

173 Fatalities

The tropical cyclone crossed the coast just west of Balla Balla, which is the port for the copper mines of the Whim Creek district. Damage from the cyclone extended more than 200 kilometres along the coastline.

The large iron ship, The Crown of England, was wrecked on Depuch Island. The vessel Concordia was also driven ashore nearby and several lighter vessels and pearling luggers were sunk or wrecked. At least 15 people lost their lives.

The steamer Koombana left Port Hedland en route to Broome with 138 passengers and 20 crew members on board. The Koombana was following the SS Bullarra up the coast. Both vessels sailed into the cyclone. The Bullarra was badly damaged but was able to reach port. The Koombana disappeared in the cyclone claiming all 158 people on board. On 3 April, a search vessel found wreckage, including a lifeboat and a state room door approximately 25 nautical miles north of Bedout Island.