EM online: Australian Emergency Management Knowledge Hub
Australian Emergency Management Institute
The Australian Emergency Management Knowledge Hub was launched in November 2012 and is a new interactive website for the emergency management sector and the community.

The Knowledge Hub is packed with features.
There is an Australian disaster event database that contains records of natural and non-natural disasters within Australia dating back to 1753. And it’s searchable!
There’s a clearing house of research and information useful to the EM sector, including online repositories, research papers, journal articles, reports and manuals. And it’s searchable!
There’s a multimedia area where libraries of audio, video and image across a wide range of disasters are available. And it’s searchable!
The news area has cross-sectoral discussion forums and new media collaboration tools such as Twitter. Users can see latest discussions, contribute resources, share information and interact.
Follow us on Twitter @AEMKH or email us at emknowledge@ag.gov.au