National Disaster Recovery Monitoring and Evaluation Database

To design a recovery program (or some smaller component of the program), or plan to evaluate it, you should identify which of the nationally agreed list of recovery outcomes the program is trying to achieve. You will find it helpful to first look through the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Disaster Recovery Programs to understand the role of outcomes in disaster recovery planning and evaluation.

Recovery Outcomes and Resource Search

From the following list, select the outcomes that are relevant to your recovery program. This will generate a list to help you build your recovery plan or evaluation plan, and identify activities and indicators you might also use to achieve and measure progress toward these outcomes.

The search will also identify resources relevant to the criteria you selected. Three tabs: activities, indicators, and resources, will separately display search results in each of the three categories.

Alternatively, if you are unsure of the outcomes to select, you can use the filter to search for resources that are relevant to the type of event in which you are preparing a recovery program or evaluation plan.

Information for disasters are Australia wide and the database has input from multiple jurisdictions and independent disaster evaluators. AIDR does not curate or alter the data in any way.