Western Australia, October 2005

Storm - Lake Grace

Quick Statistics

$10 million Insurance Costs

On 16 October 2005, a complex low pressure system moved through the Central Wheatbelt and the Great Southern. Severe thunderstorms associated with the system caused hail damage to crops in the Lake Grace area from approximately 2.30 to 4.30 pm. More than 200 farms were affected. The area covered was 150 km from north to south and 50 km west to east. In most places the hailstorm lasted for approximately one hour and hail measured between 1 cm and 3 cm in diameter. In some places the hail was up to 25 cm deep. Over 5000 hectares of crops were destroyed and another 5500 hectares had at least 30 to 40 per cent damage. Estimates put the cost of the damage at over $10 million.

Information Sources

Bureau of Meteorology, Severe storm summary July 2005 to June 2006, website viewed 3 May 2012
Bureau of Meteorology, Significant weather October 2005, website viewed 3 May 2012
The Wagin Argus, 'Unprecedented hail storm decimates crops', 20 October 2005, website viewed 3 May 2012